Native Plants and Noxious Weeds
Healthy native plant communities are part of the breathtaking experience of living in the Flathead or visiting Glacier National Park.
They are also essential to our unique ecosystem… and so are you!
Hobby Farming and Pasture Management
Often people move to the Flathead to “live the Montana Dream,” owning horses, chickens, or cattle.
However, the realities may find landowners with a dried up lot full of weeds and hungry animals.
Flathead Forests Management
Private landowners play a crucial role as stewards of Montana’s forests.
Understanding the health of your forest and adopting appropriate management practices is essential to sustain healthy and vibrant ecosystems.
Protecting our Special Landscapes
Everyone living in the Flathead Valley has an appreciation for our unparalleled land, water, wildlife, and their beauty.
Join our community that believes in protecting our special landscapes.

Rural Living in Flathead County: A Guide for Natives and Newcomers
by Flathead County Planning and Zoning Department
“The fact that you can drive to your property today doesn’t necessarily mean that you, your guests, and emergency service providers will be able to reach you in February.”
Take some time to read this guide to living in rural areas, developed by Flathead County’s Planning and Zoning Department, with valuable information about county services, what to expect if you choose to live in a rural area removed from public services, and ways to live in harmony with your neighbors and your surroundings.